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Tia the Tripod Cat

2016 Archive

Aug 09

Tia playing with a toy – she is getting pretty agile!   When my husband got home tonight, Tia looked like she was feeling much better.    She was even up for a little bit of play time!  

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Aug 09

Tia was a little slower this morning, and didn’t end up eating all her breakfast.   We had been giving her medicine in her food, but we will now have to give it separately if she won’t eat consistently.   I ended up giving her a remaining dose of the first pain medicine around noon to see […]

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Aug 07

Good Morning! I am glad to report that Tia slept on the bed with me all night and NO panic attacks!   I suspect that her being more mobile last night may have helped – she seems to get better at walking around every day. This morning I was awoken to cone head butts and […]

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Aug 07

We had a rough night after day 2.    My husband got home and took her collar off to give her some freedom.    At some point she panicked and barreled through the pillow barrier under the bed.    I got home and she was not to be coaxed out, so we went to bed. […]

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Aug 06

We had dropped Tia off at the vet on Wednesday for her surgery.  The vet called in the afternoon to let us know she had done fine, and they were going to keep her for 1 to 2 days.     The next morning, the vet called again and said Tia had done fine overnight, but that […]

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